The treatments were simultaneously examined for 90 days. In this study, the process of vermicompost was used in natural moisture content of 60 to 80%, and an ambient temperature of 20 to 30°C, which is an appropriate condition for soil biomass. In this study, parameters such as OC, pH, EC and C/N ratio as compost indices during the process were investigated. Sampling was carried out by combining different sections of each mass every 5 days with three repetitions according to National Standard No. 13320. In this study, fresh samples of 9.5 mm diameter were used to determine the pH. Dilution with a 5:1 ratio of compost and distilled water was prepared on a shaker for 180 revolution per minute for 20 minutes. Finally, the pH was measured by a pH meter after sedimentation. The mentioned method was also used to determine the EC, and eventually the EC was measured by an EC meter. Measurement of the amount of carbon samples was also carried out by placing humidified and weighed samples in the furnace at 550 ° C for 2 hours and weighing the samples again. The Kajdal method was also employed to determine the total rate of nitrogen. Finally, the data were entered into SPSS software and compared to the composting standards of Iran using ANOVA and t-test.
Investigating the trend of pH changes
In this study, the trend of changes of parameters has been determined as the percentage of reduction / increase of the variable in different sampling periods. In Figure 1, the process of pH changes in different treatments has been shown in averages of all three replicates in different sampling periods. As it can be observed, during the process, the pH in all treatments increased initially and from the third week, the trend decreased to neutral. This decrease was statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001).
PH changes in the vermicompost process
The pH of the organic environment is an important parameter that has a significant effect on the vermicompost's viability and is a limiting factor for the survival and growth of the worms. Its acceptable range in the vermicidal process for the activity of worms and microorganisms was 5.5-8.5. In this study, at the beginning of the process (first week), pH in all treatments began to increase, which could be due to the evaporation of CO
2, fatty acid consumption and nitrogen mineralization by germs, thus indicating the progress of the vermicompost process
17, 18. In the following process, and with time, pH in all treatments including control treatment began to decrease and to neutralize (Figure 1). It seems that this pH reduction is due to the production of carbon dioxide and organic acids by earthworms. Also, the biological conversion of organic matter and the intensive mineralization of nitrogen to nitrate and nitrite, as well as phosphorus to orthophosphate, could be the reasons for the reduction of pH in the vermicompost process
In general, it can be said that various factors affect pH changes in the process. In a study by Pramanik et al. and Pramanik , the results showed that organic matter decomposition leads to the formation of ammonium (NH
4+) and humic acid. The presence of carboxylic and phenolic groups in the structure of humic acid lowers the pH and the production of ammonium ion plays an important role in increasing the pH of the system
20, 21.
Organic carbon changes in the vermicompost process
In this study, the average percentage of OC in all treatments decreased significantly. Studies showed that during the vermicomposting process, the worms break down and homogenize the digested substances through the activities of the stomach and by adding mucus and enzymes to the digested substances thus leading to an increase in the surface area of microbial activity. The general activity of worms and microorganisms using the substrates has been responsible for the reduction of OC from organic waste as CO
2 22, 23. In other studies, it was stated that during the process of organic matter decomposition, available carbon is used as a source of energy by worms and microorganisms, and ultimately, CO
2 excretion leads to a decrease in OC
24, 25.
In the present study, OC reduction in 1C: 1S treatment was higher than other treatments, which can be attributed to faster respiration rates. In a study by Garg et al. , a decrease by 58.4% in the amount of OC of bovine waste and 55.4% in horseracing after 90 days of vermicompost has been reported
26. Kaviraj and Sharma have reported a 20-45% reduction in organic carbon in urban wastewater vermicomposting
27. Sangwan et al. investigated vermicomposting with bovine wines and found a decrease of 23-6% in OC
28. Finally, it can be said that the results of the studies are similar to the present study and the difference in carbon reduction in the vermicomposting process can be due to the difference in physical and chemical characteristics of the treatments.
EC changes in the vermicomposting process
EC is the salinity index resulting from changes in organic matter during the vermicomposting process
29. In this study, the trend of changes in electrical conductivity during the process was generally reduced in all substrates with different treatments.
A study by Holtzclaw et al. showed that partial production of soluble metabolites such as ammonium and the sedimentation of soluble salts during vermicomposting led to a reduction in EC levels relative to the initial amount
30. Occasionally, however, gradual increase in EC was observed due to the release of available ions from organic matter decomposition during digestion and disposal of earthworms
C/N variations in the vermicomposting process
C/N is a parameter that is widely used as a composting and fertilizer quality indicator in agriculture, and the ratio of these substances affects the growth and production of the worm and its high ratio accelerates the growth and production of the worm. If the level of C/N is too low or too high, it will slow down the decomposition
In this study, the highest rate of C/N was observed in the control treatment and the lowest value was related to 1C: 1S treatment. The results of this study demonstrated that the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N) decreased during the 60-day vermicomposting process and this trend showed a decrease in the amount of material stabilization in all treatments and an improvement in degradation conditions and improvement in the quality of fertilizer produced by earthworms. Additionally, C/N reduction was also mainly due to the release of CO
2 as a part of the respiratory activity of the worms, and the production of mucus and nitrogen excrements was responsible for changes in the C/N ratio in vermicompost fertilizer
33, 35.
Studies on vermicompost have shown a decrease in the C/N ratio, although the decrease in this ratio is different for different wastes, and finally, the use of fertilizer produced by the vermicompost process as soil reformer improves soil, production of products and reduces waste disposal. Also, the quality of the compost produced is closely related to the degree of stability
In this study, the efficacy of vermicomposting method was investigated for treating Halva Ardeh with cow manure in laboratory scale. Comparison of the efficiency of removal of variables in the main treatments with the control treatment showed a significant difference in the efficiency of removal of variables in the main treatments. The results revealed that during the process and with time, pH in all treatments including the control treatment began to decrease and to neutralize. Also, the rate of organic carbon decreased in all treatments compared to its initial value and had the highest amount in the control group and the lowest amount was related to 1C: 1S treatment. The amount of carbon to nitrogen (C/N) was reduced during the process and had the highest amount in the control treatment and the lowest amount was related to 1C: 1S treatment. Finally, due to the fact that the compost quality of this study is consistent to the standards of compost class A, this method can be used to convert the waste from Halva Ardeh on vermicompost production. In addition, using this process can help reduce environmental pollution and is economical.
This article is the result of a master student thesis on Environmental Health Engineering, and by this way, the administrator for Research and Waste Laboratory of faculty of Public Health of Yazd and all those who helped us in this study are acknowledged.
The work was unfunded
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no competing interests.
This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work for commercial use.
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