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Removal of Dye and COD from Textile Wastewater Using AOP (UV/O3, UV/H2O2, O3/H2O2 and UV/H2O2/O3) (6721 Views)
Mixed Cream Stabilized with Xanthan Gum, a New Substitute for Dairy Cream (4665 Views)
Evolution Site Selection by Using an Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants in the City of Qom, Iran (4474 Views)
Evaluation of Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Air Quality Index and Ambient Air Pollutants in Isfahan Using Geographic Information System (4321 Views)
Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds from Aqueous Environments– A Review (4042 Views)
Performance Evaluation of Combined Process of Powdered Activated Carbon-Activated Sludge (PACT) in Textile Dye Removal (3884 Views)
A Review on the Importance of Hormones Monitoring and Their Removal in Conventional Wastewater Treatment Systems (3861 Views)
A Review of the Performance of Carbon Nanotubes in Reducing Environmental Pollution (3856 Views)
Environmental Burden of Disease from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (3737 Views)
The Role of Environmental Education in Increasing the Awareness of Primary School Students and Reducing Environmental Risks (3684 Views)
Chlorpyrifos Bioremediation in the Environment: A Review Article (3565 Views)
Evaluating the Fenton Process Efficiency in Removal of Reactive Red 2 from Aqueous Solution (3559 Views)
Waste to Energy: Challenges and Opportunities in Iran (3520 Views)
Quantitative and Qualitative Study on Electric and Electronic Waste and Economic Evaluation of Their Collection and Recycling by Using the Cost-benefit Model : A Case Study in Dezful City, 2017 (3512 Views)
Effect of Medicinal Smokes on Reduction of Fungal Indoor Air Contamination (3440 Views)
Nitrate Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Magnetic Nanoparticle (3421 Views)
A Study of Isotherms and Adsorption Kinetic of Di (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate by Nano Cellulose from Aqueous Solutions (3415 Views)
Performance Evaluation of Tile Wastewater Treatment with Different Coagulants (3380 Views)
Reduction of Pathogens from Mixture of Cow Manure, Domestic Waste and Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge by Vermicomposting Process (3377 Views)
Spatial Analysis and Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Exposure to Nitrate in Drinking Water of Abarkouh, Iran (3281 Views)
Using Generation 3 Polyamidoamine Dendrimer as Adsorbent for the Removal of Pentavalent Arsenic from Aqueous Solutions (3272 Views)
Optimization of Waste Collection System Using Underground Containers with Source Separation Plan (Case Study: District 3 of Yazd Municipality, Iran) (3254 Views)
The Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Patients Referred to Skin Lesions in Dashtestan District, Bushehr Province, Iran in 2013-2014 (3245 Views)
A Comparison on Function of Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting Models in PM10 Zoning in Urban Area (3233 Views)
Evaluation the Correlation between Turbidity and Total Suspended Solids with other Chemical Parameters in Yazd Wastewater Treatment Effluent Plant (3220 Views)
Greywater, a New Alternative Approach for Domestic Wastewater Separation and Reuse in Iran (3189 Views)
Application of Chemical Coagulation Process for Direct Dye Removal from Textile Wastewater (3161 Views)
Performance Evaluation of the Extended Aeration Activated Sludge System in the Removal of Physicochemical and Microbial Parameters of Municipal Wastewater: A Case Study of Nowshahr Wastewater Treatment Plant (3152 Views)
Investigating the Concentration of Heavy Metals in Bottled Water and Comparing with its Standard: Case Study (3139 Views)
Modeling and Performance of Waste Tires as Media in Fixed Bed Sequence Batch Reactor (3112 Views)
Pathogens' Reduction in Vermicompost Process Resulted from the Mixed Sludge Treatments-Household Wastes (3112 Views)
Investigating the Effect of Waste Process of Halva Ardeh Production on Vermicompost Quality (3110 Views)
An Assessment on Microbial Quality of Produced Vermicomposts in Yazd City in 2015 (3100 Views)
Studying the Efficiency of XAD-7HP Anionic Resin in the Extraction of Humic Acid from Surface Water (3095 Views)
Effect of Physical and Chemical Operating Parameters on Anaerobic Digestion of Manure and Biogas Production: A Review (3092 Views)
Geogenic Arsenic Contamination in Northwest of Iran; Role of Water Basin Hydrochemistry (3070 Views)
Qualitative and Quantatitve Investigation of Industrial Solid Waste in the Iron Ore Extraction and Processing Sectors of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company (3064 Views)
Evaluating the Efficiency of Tragacanth Coagulant Aid in Removing Colloidal Materials and Suspended Solids Creating Turbidity from Karun River Water (3047 Views)
Biodegradation of Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate by Sequencing Batch Reactor in Sanitary Wastewater (3045 Views)
The Readiness of Hospitals to Deploy the ISO 14001 System: A Case Study of the Educational Medical Hospitals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (3044 Views)
Relationship between Frequency of Escherichia Coli and Prevalence of Salmonella and Shigella Spp. in a Natural River (3039 Views)
Comparison of the Effect of Perchlorine, Sodium Hypochlorite, and Electrochemical Method on Disinfection of Vegetables (3031 Views)
Evaluation of Point-of-Use Drinking Water Treatment Systems Efficiency in Reducing or Removing Physicochemical Parameters and Heavy Metals (3010 Views)
Spatial Distribution of Malaria in the Semi-Arid Zone of Ghana: A Case of Upper West Region Using GIS Approach (3005 Views)
Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water Resources in Urban and Rural Areas of Hamadan Province in 2016 (3002 Views)
How nutrition might modify the possible effects of air pollution on cardiovascular diseases risk? (2998 Views)
Helping HSE Team in Learning from Accident by Using the Management Oversight and Risk Tree Analysis Method (2996 Views)
Impacts of Artisanal Gold Mining on Water Quality: A Case Study of Tangandougou Commune in Sikasso Region, Mali (2977 Views)
Explanation and Analysis of the Interaction between Environmental Health Officers and Directors of Food Preparation, Supply and Distribution Centers Based on Game Theory Model in Yazd (2948 Views)
Bioremediation of Soils Polluted with Phenanthrene and Anthracene Using Ground Treatment Method and Chicken Manure as a Cosubstrate (2939 Views)
Total Sum: 529915

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