Table 2 reveals that there are 19 types of industrial wastes which are produced in the magnetite iron ore processing plant of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company using dry process. In total, 5 types of wastes are not recyclable, whereas the other 14 types can be recycled. The largest bulk of identified dry wastes are produced as a result of processing iron ore. They are currently not recyclable and are being deposited in an area close to the mine.
In the polycom iron ore processing plant of the Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company, 17 types of industrial wastes are produced
using the wet process. Table 3 displays the amount of waste produced annually, the place of production, and recyclability of the wastes. The largest volume of wet tailings is produced as a result of processing iron ore. In general, 12 types of identified wastes are recyclable, while 5 types cannot be recycled.
As shown in Figure 2, the percentage of recyclable industrial wastes except mineral wastes produced in the extraction section, magnetite and polycam plant of the Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company is respectively 99.8%, 99% and 96%. The percentage of mineral wastes in the extraction section, polycom and magnetite plant is respectively constitute 80%, 15%, and 5% of mining tailings produced in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company (Figure 3).
According to Table 1, mineral machinery constitutes the major source of producing industrial wastes in the extraction sector. The largest proportion of industrial waste (save for soil tailings and rock produced as a result of iron ore extraction) in the extraction sector of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company belongs to burnt oils. The same results were obtained by Ahmadi et al., who investigated the wastes produced in a petrochemical complex in the west of Iran
18. Burnt oils produced in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company are now collected and transferred to refiners. As illustrated in Figure 2, 99.8% of solid wastes (save for soil tailings and rock produced as a result of iron ore extraction) produced in the extraction sector are recyclable. Nevertheless, the main problem in this sector is related to worn tires. Although they are recyclable, they are deposited in a nearby location and do not undergo any recycling due to their large volume (they belong to mining machinery) and high transportation costs. Indeed, worn tires constitute 29% of industrial wastes produced in the extraction sector. Given that several other mines are located in Golgohar, it seems that constructing a factory for recycling worn tires is economically justified and can significantly reduce environmental problems related to depositing such wastes. Oraee et al. compared the efficiency of using trucks and conveyor in Gohar Zamin Iron Ore Company. They reported that utilizing conveyor and crusher cavity for transporting the extracted iron ore is economically and technically more justifiable than using trucks. Since the major proportion of produced wastes in the extraction sector has to do with mining machinery, it seems that using conveyor and crushing cavity can considerably reduce the amount of produced industrial waste
19. Tables 2 and 3 display the identified solid wastes produced in the iron ore processing sector of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company. It is observed that 19 types of wastes were identified in the magnetite plant, and 5 of which were recyclable. On the other hand, 17 types of wastes were registered in the polycom plant, 5 of which have the capacity of recycling. Therefore, the total proportion of recyclable wastes in the magnetite and polycom plants are 99% and 96%, respectively. Studying the wastes produced in Semnan Industrial Park, Ayati et al. identified 32 types of wastes. They argued that 4 types of these wastes were large enough to be recycled. Discrepancies in the type of wastes can be attributed to the presence of various industries in different industrial parks
20. As a considerable proportion of industrial wastes in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company, mining tailings are of three types: soil, the rock produced as a result of extracting iron ore, dry/wet tailings produced as a result of processing iron ore. These three types of tailings respectively constitute 80%, 15%, and 5% of mining tailings (Figure 3). Mining tailings, which mainly include the soil dug for accessing the iron ore reservoir, amounted to 27936590 tons at the time of data collection (Table 1). These tailings are now being deposited in a nearby area. These tailings may be used in future to reconstruct the mining site
21. Lu and Cai elicited waste producers’ ideas on the best procedures to dump mining wastes with the aim of reusing them in a comprehensive way. They came up with new ideas. For example, they suggested that the sand that is produced in ore processing can be retrieved and used for construction. They also proposed some solutions for filling the dug holes in mining sites
22. Because of the production process in the magnetite and polycom plants, both dry and wet tailings are produced in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company. In the time of data collection, the total amount of dry tailings produced by the magnetite plant was 5282108 tons, while the overall amount of wet tailings produced by the polycom plant was 1845790 tons. The first step in managing such wastes is identifying their compositions. As indicated in Table 4, the main ingredients of dry tailings produced as a result of iron ore processing in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company are quartz, manganese oxide, iron oxides, aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate, sulfur, potassium oxide, sodium oxide, titanium oxide, phosphorus, chromium oxide, barium oxide, and chromium oxide. On the other hand, the major components of wet tailings include quartz, manganese oxide, iron oxides, calcium carbonate, aluminum oxide, sulfur, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, phosphorus, titanium oxide, barium oxide, and chromium oxide. Thus, the constituent ingredients of dry and wet tailings are more or less similar. The average LOI in dry and wet tailings were 10.8 and 11.3, respectively. Table 4 illustrates the LOI percentage of dry and wet tailings. Nouranian et al. investigated the applicability of Golgohar mining tailings in other industries. They demonstrated that iron ore processing would yield quartz, manganese oxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxides, potassium oxide, calcium oxide, titanium oxide, sodium oxide, and sulfur oxide, with their proportion respectively being 38.6%, 19.15%, 14.04%, 13.7%, 5.55%, 2.08%, 1.66%, 1.17%, and 0.35%. Their average LOI was reported to be 4.2
23. The components that were identified in dry and wet tailings in the current study are relatively similar to those registered in other studies. The discrepancies can be attributed to difference in the composition of the raw ore that is fed into the plants. Given their ceramic engineering properties, these components can be directly used in manufacturing tile, brick, and glass-ceramic used in insulating buildings. Furthermore, because of their manganese oxide, processing tailing can constitute 15% of the compound used as cement furnace feed. Uchechukwu and Ezekiel examined the possibility of using iron ore tailings of a mine in Itakpe, Nigeria, in concrete manufacturing.
They found that the ingredients of iron ore tailings included quartz (71%), iron oxide (15%), aluminum oxide (2.62%), calcium carbonate (1.2%), manganese oxide (0.3%), sodium oxide (1.2%), titanium oxide (0.2%), potassium oxide (0.08%), and sulfur oxide (0.03%). They discovered that using iron ore tailings in concrete manufacturing can improve the efficiency and compressive strength of concrete. In addition they argued that iron ore tailings can be used as a delayer in concrete manufacturing in warm climate
24. Das et al. investigated the applicability of iron ore tailings and concluded that they
can be used in manufacturing high quality floor tile and wall brick. These tiles and bricks will have more density, hardness, and strength in comparison with commonly used ones and their manufacturing is economically more justified
The majority of industrial wastes produced in the extraction and processing sectors of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company (save for mining tailings in the two sectors) can be recycled. Thus, it is essential to pay more attention to recycling in such industries. Improving production processes can significantly reduce the amount of wastes originally produced; hence, a crucial step for managing such wastes. Mining tailings in the processing sector constitute a major proportion of produced solid wastes in iron ore mining. Therefore, further studies should be conducted to suggest more efficient ways of retrieving iron during the processing stage, hence decreasing produced wastes. On the other hand, stakeholders should try to utilize other constituent ingredients of such wastes as raw materials for other industries. By doing so, the problems of such wastes (e.g. lack of enough depositing space and environmental problems) will be eliminated to a large extent.
Particular thanks are owed to the staff of Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company for their help in conducting this study.
This study was funded by the Golgohar Iron ore and steel Research Institute.
Conflict of interest
No conflict of interest has been stated by the authors.
This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work for commercial use.
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