Personal hygiene
- Bathing
Among the things that were mentioned about bathing were the materials used by people including a substance called Sefidab, soaps made with sheep's skin and fat, the use of a mountain plant called Ashnum, which has foaming and cleansing properties, and also the use of henna or Tragacanth (named ketira in local dialect). Most of the interviews showed that the frequency of bathing for adults was between 10 and 15 days, as well as for children aged one month or two weeks, and for babies even up to one year. Therefore, materials such as lemon peel and salt to soak the soles of adults, or various oils such as olive oil or almond oil for the heads of babies are used to make washing easier.
Also, the use of depilatory materials and cleanliness of the body was of special attention. This department had a charity system and was provided free of charge to all people. Women's bathroom paraphernalia were made of copper, which has antimicrobial properties.
"Cleanliness was so important to them that all bathrooms had a section to remove excess body hair." P13
"It was Abarkohi soap. It was Ashnum. There was also Sefidab." P1
"How often do you take a bath? Every ten to fifteen days.” P6
"Approximately one year after the birth of the baby, they took him to the bathroom. During this year, washing was done at home." P10
The importance of the obligatory ghusl and purification under any circumstances has played a significant role in the cleanliness of people.
"For example, one of our rooms was dedicated to washing the body quickly, which, of course, did not have a water drainage system.” P13
- Toilet and cleanliness
Research findings show that in the past, toilets were located in the courtyards of the houses and were pit-type. Moreover, they used toilet wastes as manure for agriculture, or sometimes sold it. In order to be clean for performing religious rites, if they were in a place where they did not have access to water, they used a piece of cloth to prevent the spread of impurity to the clothes. Furthermore, as soon as they had access to water, they would wash from the waist down. In order to wash their hands after using the toilet, they mainly mentioned using water (without soap or other detergents).
"When we wanted to go out, we would take one or two pieces of cloth with us so that if we did not have a water bottle, we would use it whenever we needed. Then, we would wash from the waist down when we came home." P9
"There was no soap, and we used to wash our hands with mud or ashes or Ashnum." P14
- Daily washing of the body
As mentioned, due to the problems of bathing in the old days and the requirement to be clean to perform some religious rites, they did this washing in any possible way. Some people allocated a room in their house for quick washing that only requires a little water. Some people washed themselves in the pool of gardens or the pond of houses. Children's hands are also carefully washed with soap and bath tissue weekly.
- Washing clothes
Another thing mentioned regarding personal hygiene was how to wash clothes. Washing in the springs was forbidden, since drinking water was provided from there. In addition to the strict public monitoring of this matter, people considered it a great sin and refused to do it. The material used for washing clothes was a mountain plant called Ashnum.
"The clothes were put in water and washed with Ashnum." P6
- Washing dishes
The findings show that the materials used to wash the dishes were natural materials such as Ashnum or ash or mud straw. Also, hot water was used to wash greasy dishes better. In one of the interviews, it was mentioned to boil greasy dishes with water and ash to clean them better. A mixture of fig leaves, sawdust, ash, and a little salt was also used for washing dishes.
Furthermore, the findings show that people used water from Qanats, house ponds, swimming pools, and wells to wash their clothes, and the majority of them mentioned washing in streams. The notable point was the preservation of water sources, since, in any case, the wastewater from their washing would either reach the agricultural area or enter the gardens of the houses.
"It was a fig leaf. They cut it and mixed it with wood shavings, ash, and a pinch of salt. It made the dishes as white as snow." P9
"The water at the beginning of the spring was for drinking. Then the rest of the water flowing in the streams was used to wash dishes and clothes. Moreover, at the end, the water was used for agriculture." P6
Conservation of scarce resources
Table 1 shows that the conservation of scarce resources including two sub-themes of managing the use of resources and resource use for culture. Managing the use of resources consisted of 3 sub-categories including water reuse, making public, and reuse of recycled water. The culture of using resources included three sub-categories including public supervision, thrift, and accuracy in religious health orders.
Managing the use of resources
Our findings show that there was no wastage of water, and the reused water in agriculture and the materials used for washing were all eco-friendly and did not harm agriculture.
"The water at the beginning of the spring was for drinking. Then the rest of the water flowing in the streams was used for washing dishes and clothes. At the end, the water was used for agriculture." P6
In order to make water available to the public, people used to use public baths or an Ab-Anbar that was for public use and everyone could benefit from it for free.
The sewage disposal system was in the form of pit toilets at the end of the yard; when the pits were filled, they emptied them and used their sewage as fertilizer in the agricultural sector.
Culture of using resources
The results showed spontaneous monitoring of people in the correct use of resources. They closely monitored their own and others’ behaviors, so that the water did not get polluted at its source.
The research findings show that they paid attention to religious orders regarding body hygiene and not wasting water. As mentioned above, they were careful to maintain water hygiene while taking water from the source and believed that polluting water a great sin. In addition, they monitored the behavior of others and warned them if they observed wrong behavior.
"Does anyone wash clothes or dishes at the spring? No, they don't dare. People would not approve." P3
On the other hand, due to being bound to perform obligatory ablutions, they washed their bodies in any way possible.
Predicting droughts
In the past, the prediction of drought was done in two ways; paying attention to weather conditions; and using superstitious methods.
In the method of paying attention to the weather conditions, based on experience, they found out whether they might have a drought or not by carefully observing the amount of rain or snow and the time of its precipitation.
Also, they predicted the drought by marking the snow on certain days of the year on the mountains.
"If it was snowing in December and the mountains had turned white, or in November, a white mark would be left on the mountain, it was said that this year was not a drought year." P1
Another way that was mentioned more than others was superstitious methods.
"If the beginning of the intestine of the sheep that was killed was empty so that the end of its intestine could be seen, they used to say it was a good year." P1
Classifying water in terms of quality and sources of supply
According to Table 1, this category is divided into five sub-categories. The first one is the consumption of water for drinking and cooking, where high quality and ensuring water health is essential.
The sources identified to meet the needs of this category included spring water, stream water in the early morning or midnight, urban Ab-Anbars, Sangab, household Ab-Anbars, and domestic covered wells.
"They had Ab-Anbar. People could go to an Ab-Anbar during the day and get water from there. We used to drink the water of the Ezzatabad Qanat because it was clean; there was also a stream, which we used in the middle of the night or early in the morning when no one had used the water." P6
The following sub-category is related to washing the dishes, which is of the next importance due to its relation with eating and drinking. It can also play an important role in family health. According to the acquired indigenous knowledge, the sources of water supply in this sub-category were water from domestic ponds, Qanats, or domestic wells.
The third sub-category was related to washing clothes. Water quality was less important at this stage, and the water from the streams or rivers was used all day and night.
"Our house was next to the river. We used to wash clothes there." P3
The fourth sub-category was used for bathing, and this water was supplied from wells or Qanats.
In this study, for the first time, the conservation of drinking water resources during droughts was investigated in the household level using indigenous knowledge. To this end, four main themes were identified, including personal hygiene, conservation of scarce resources, drought prediction, and classification of water in terms of quality and sources of supply.
1- Personal hygiene
The research findings show that personal hygiene in indigenous knowledge is divided into five main subcategories related to bathing, toilet, and cleanliness, daily washing of the body, washing clothes, and washing dishes. According to the old water supply system, each case had its conditions and methods. Paying attention to personal hygiene and using water resources to meet this need can affect the health of people and the preservation of water resources. In ancient Iran, washing the body was important and essential in religious texts. Water has been considered one of the cleaning materials29. Also, the purity of the body and clothes (Wudu and Ghusl) is one of the preliminaries to worship, showing Islam's particular attention to purity30, which is in line with the findings of this research.
All interviews referred to how people accessed water to perform obligatory Ghusl.
One of the positive points observed in the findings was the emphasis of all people on performing obligatory religious Ghusls even several times a week, despite the problems that existed at that time to go to the bathroom, and this behavior played a significant role in their health. Research has shown that purity is considered a precondition for accepting many acts of worship in Islam. As a general rule, Islam considers cleanliness a matter of faith. Therefore, a person must recognize the principles of cleanliness while being a believer 29, 31. Also, as we know, water and sewage recovery are one of the main priorities after disasters, so public health education about personal hygiene, liquid soap, and clean water for cleaning hands is critical 32. Melki et al. found a significant relationship between personal hygiene and the absence of some skin and hair related diseases. They also stated that personal hygiene significantly reduces the incidence of these problems33. Therefore, the proper and sufficient use of water for daily washing of the body to perform the obligatory ghusl even in drought with the correct method and without wasting water improves people's health.
Regarding washing clothes, the findings show that there was no specific time for washing clothes. Washing was done in Qanat or rivers. Washing in the springs was forbidden, and in addition to strict public supervision, people refused to do it, since it was considered a great sin. The material used for washing clothes was Ashnum.
One of the positive points of this data was that people carefully tried to prevent the contamination of drinking water, one of the effects of which could be the reduction of various diseases including diarrhea in people. In his research, Esterhameyan stated that the outbreak of diarrheal disease can be caused by the entry of microbial and viral contamination into the water distribution network. He also states that it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of such cases by educating and informing people about personal hygiene, and continuous assessment of water resources34.
The requirement to maintain the health of drinking water sources, not contaminating them, and using natural materials are all positive points that were extracted from the findings.
Washing the dishes is another task that needs to be taken into account to maintain personal hygiene and avoid diseases. As mentioned earlier, natural cleaning materials such as ash or Ashnum powder, clay straw, or even hot water or a mixture of fig leaves, wood dust, ash, and a little salt have been used to wash dishes. Washing in springs was forbidden, and people automatically avoided doing it. Moreover, they used Qanat or house ponds or swimming pools and well water, and the majority of them mentioned washing in water from streams. It is crucial to preserve the water sources in this stage because the wastewater from washing would either reach the agricultural area or enter the garden of the houses.
Hurlimann et al. conducted a study on household use of alternative water sources and their satisfaction with this issue in Victoria, Australia. They stated that families felt satisfied with using alternative water. Irrigation of the garden was aimed at using alternative water. In general, 41.6% of the respondents sometimes used an alternative water source to irrigate their garden. The most common alternative water source to irrigate gardens was the water previously used in washing clothes35. Khodarahimi et al. also point out the importance of using recycled water to irrigate gardens to deal with mental health problems caused by the lack of drinking water36.Therefore, the present study results confirmed the findings of the studies of Hurlimann and Khodarahimi, in which the native people tried not to waste water and were very careful in recycling water.
2- Preserving water resources
The behaviors of the natives showed that they did not waste any water, but all the water was circulating on the ground and was used again in agriculture. The washing materials used were eco-friendly and did not hinder agriculture. Morover, the baths were public, water pollution was prevented at the source with public supervision, and people were prevented from overusing the bath. The drinking water supply system by the Ab-Anbars was for public use, and everyone could benefit from it for free.
DeNicola et al. also mentioned in their research that wastewater recycling and water reuse can help reduce pressure on water resources 37.
Frizenschaf et al. also mentioned in their study that one of the influential factors in responding to water demand and ensuring water quality is using recycled water for non-drinking purposes 38.
The present study findings indicate that water recycling could be seen in the natives’ behaviors. The distinction between bathing and drinking water, which was the necessity of their time, was the positive thing in managing scarce resources.
There was public supervision in using water resources and preventing water pollution, as well as the amount of water used for public baths. In addition, a prevailing culture prevented people from going to more extended baths than customary. All these factors have led to saving and optimal water consumption.
As a result, culture is an essential factor in the management of water resources 39. Therefore, some strategies are suggested including changing water consumption pattern of families and their lifestyles, educating people, teaching to save water from childhood, launching campaigns to inform the public about water shortage, information, and providing public consultations 40.
3- Predicting drought
The management of water resources should be done according to climate changes, and during the drought, preventive measures should be emphasized 41. However, the behavior of natives in predicting drought was not scientific, and according to the conditions of their time, they behaved more on guesswork, which could not guide them to predict the future weather accurately. This problem is now partially solved by advanced weather forecasting tools. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a suitable adaptation strategy, so that the conditions of climate change and other influencing factors, such as the growing demand for water and its impact on the supply system are considered 42.
Samadi stated that having a timely and comprehensive early warning system can help reduce damage to various sectors of society, including agriculture, industry, economy, and others 43.
Madadgar also states that accurate climate change forecasting is vital in preparing appropriate policies for available water resources. He mentioned that observing the effects of climate change on floods and droughts in different regions of the world shows the need for more complex methods in weather forecasting 44.
4- Classifying water in terms of quality and sources of supply
The research findings show that water could be divided into 5 sub-categories in terms of its quality and source of supply. The first one is the consumption of water for drinking and cooking, where high quality and ensuring water health are essential in this sub-category.
According to the findings of indigenous knowledge, to meet these needs, people used spring water, untouched water in the early morning or midnight of streams, urban Ab-Anbars, Sangab, household Ab-Anbars, and domestic covered wells.
The next level of need is washing the dishes, which is important due to its connection with eating and drinking and can play an essential role in the family's health. In indigenous knowledge, sources of water supply for this class were water from house ponds, Qanat, and water from domestic wells.
The third stage was related to hygiene and washing clothes. The quality of water could have been better at this stage, and the water of the Qanat was used at all hours of the day and night.
The fourth stage was used for bathing and washing the body, the water of which was supplied from wells or Qanats. Moreover, finally, the last stage of water use was related to agriculture, which had the lowest water. In other words, recycled water resulting from high needs was dedicated to agriculture.
It is essential to establish that drinking water is more suitable for food purposes; and recycled water is more suitable for irrigation, car washing, and household washing purposes 35, 45, 46. In other words, water reuse for non-drinking purposes should be emphasized 38, 47. Therefore, it is suggested that policymakers pay due attention to this issue.
The researchers mentioned that one of the influential factors in responding to water demand and ensuring water quality is the use of recycled water for non-drinking purposes 38. The findings of the present study showed that water recycling, which was seen in the behavior of the natives, is one of the positive things in the management of scarce resources, and it is possible to get ideas from their positive behaviors and use them in times of crisis.
One of the necessities of health and improving health is the availability of safe water. Maintaining and promoting health in drought conditions is achievable. By acquiring local knowledge and analyzing and adjusting it with modern science, measures can be taken to preserve water resources, such as water recycling in homes and at the place of consumption, which was also mentioned abundantly in local knowledge.
In this research, in confirming the importance of indigenous knowledge, we found that this knowledge is necessary, useful, and valuable, and it corresponds with the local people's culture, habits, and customs. However, new science- based methods have to be applied instead of superstitions.
In general, it can be concluded that indigenous knowledge needs to be carefully identified, recorded, and subjected to scientific analysis to eliminate superstitious and incorrect methods from it. Promoting traditional methods compatible with culture and customs that are correct and do not require expensive technologies is recommended. These methods should be revived, and their information should be made available to people.
The present study has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (IR.SBMU.RETECH.REC. 1396.1151). According to the written consent form approved by the ethics committee, informed consent was obtained from all individuals who participated in the study.
This study was supported by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
This is an Open-Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon this work for commercial use.
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